marc J Music , how to make a 21 savage type beati make hits,

What’s up everyone? I hope all is well. Today we’re talking about momentum and how you can use it to increase your followers, grow your YouTube channel and build a reliable personal brand people love to support. In this post, I’ll cover momentum and 2 easy ways to increase it immediately. This is an amazing topic to study and its great in its simplicity. Let’s get right to it! 

We all want to put our music out and have it consumed and appreciated by as many hungry ears as possible. You put out a track and check over and over again to see if it’s gaining traction. You scour your YouTube comments looking for positive input and flame emojis. If your smart, you reply to each comment left whether it be good or bad in a positive manner.

marc j music blog , beats,, rappers, singers, social media, social media marketing

You post your music here on YouTube and share it on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to get a thousand views and it feels good!

Then, it’s a week or more before your next project drops and your followers are left with nothing to keep them interested. Not a good thing!

Let’s define momentum.

Momentum: The strength or force that something has when it is moving. : The strength or force that allows something to continue or to grow stronger or faster as time passes

In our case momentum is equal to the exposure and most of all engagement we create by being consistent in our communication with subscribers and followers.

If you remember, I said earlier that we ended up with 1000 views right?

Well, we didn’t put out more product until a week later. In that time the momentum we gained has slowly gone away and with the next release, we have to start all over. Although you will retain a few of the followers, you won’t gain as many as I would, in the long run, had you maintained the momentum from the previous project.

marc j music blog , beats,, rappers, singers, social media, social media marketing

Here I’ve listed 2 very easy ways to maintain and gain momentum when you release a project.

  1. Do small tasks such as engaging with your followers every day. On YouTube, it’s as easy as watching your subscribers videos of the post and leaving a supportive comment.  Twitter, for example, you can comment on your follower’s posts and retweet the posts that relate to you. Don’t be fake, be genuine and really try to get to know your followers. Ppl can tell if you’re being fake.
  1. Focus on the followers you already have and Make content for them. The ppl that subscribe to you on YouTube subscribe because you are either entertaining to them or they respond to your style of teaching. Concentrate on interacting with them in some small way daily. Can be as easy and shouting them out on a FaceBook or Twitter post.

Doing the above 2 things consistently between YouTube videos, blog posts or project releases don’t take a tone of time and it both builds your momentum and helps with your exposure as new subscribers see you are actively engaging with your followers! It’s not enough to just flood everyone with videos or songs and hope you go viral. It hardly ever works out that way. You have to remember that big numbers are good but having an engaged and active following that truly care about your work is much more valuable. These are the people who will share your videos and physically buy your product. Building momentum with this core following attracts even more like-minded followers and before you know it, BOOM, the snowball effect takes place and soon you’ll have your 1000 true fans and life really starts to get interesting. That’s another post though, we’ll definitely cover that soon!

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