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Are you ready to actually get paid from all of your awesome SoundCloud plays? Well, it’s finally about to happen for a lot more of us. SoundCloud has been around for a while and we use it to bring the fruit of our awesome creativity to the masses but believe it or not, artists and producers aren’t the only ones visiting the site daily. SoundCloud has become a hub of musical exploration by many people who just want to listen to and explore hot new music. Not to mention the plethora of podcasts geared toward all manner of tastes from business to automotive interests.

We’re here to talk about the music and how we producers and Djs can actually monetize our creative works on this awesome platform. Djs and producers alone upload thousands upon thousands of tracks each day to be consumed by music lovers. It’s great to see those SoundCloud spins an comments pile up but you know as well as I do, a little money would make it a lot more interesting.  Wouldn’t be awesome for soundcloud to give you a little monetary appreciation for all that traffic you bring to they’re platform?

That being said, SoundCloud has just overhauled and expanded their  SoundCloud Premier program to help Djs and producers who create remixes and create awesome music sets along with other productions make more money and build their audience.
The Soundcloud Premier program is funded by money generated through Soundclouds subscription services and the advertising on the site. By that being the case, the Premier program is currently invite only so you better get to creating awesome content and sign up for the program. Just go to this link and get in on the action. I can’t wait to see how this all works out and I’ll be signing up as soon as i punctuate my last sentence. Be great my friends! Click here to add your own text

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